The February 24, 2023, issuance by the IRS of proposed regulations on the use of forfeitures in qualified retirement plans provides some welcome clarity, regulatory house cleaning, and relief for plan sponsors.  With a proposed effective date of January 1, 2024, these regulations should prompt plan sponsors to review their plan language and procedures for

Some of our employer client sponsors of pre-approved 401(k) plans have contacted us regarding plan amendment notices received recently from their prototype or volume submitter plan document sponsors relating to the expanded use of forfeitures in their plans. An employer is informed either that an amendment has already been made for all employers that have

In the last six months, several clients called me regarding substantial balances in a so-called “forfeiture account” in their 401(k) plans.  A few of these clients have forfeiture accounts that violate the ERISA requirements.  It is imperative that forfeitures be handled properly since both the IRS and the Department of Labor (DOL) on audit generally