Especially during the holidays, but also throughout the year, both employers and employees often seek a means of financially assisting distressed coworkers and their families. The various methods of targeting relief to employees are summarized in IRS Publication 3833, DISASTER RELIEF, PROVIDING ASSISTANCE THROUGH CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS at  Some employers establish a “donor-advised fund” or other similar account at a local “community foundation” in order to target assistance to members of the company “family” who are in need due to some financial or medical setback or circumstance. Many moderate to large-sized companies, however, have established their own charitable employee relief organizations to perform this function.

A Company Workforce as a “Charitable Class”

Since Hurricane Katrina, the IRS has recognized significantly smaller employee populations than previously as a qualifying “charitable class” that can be benefited by a 501(c)(3) company-sponsored organization.  The benefited class must be the indefinite open-ended group of current and future employees, rather than a specific group of existing employees.

The Benefits of Public Charity Status

A 501(c)(3) employee relief charity will be classified as a “private foundation” unless it meets the requirements to qualify as the generally more tax-favored and flexible “public charity.”  Deductible contributions to a public charity are capped at a higher limit than those for private foundations. Private foundations must also comply with more burdensome regulations and restrictions on their investments and grants than do public charities.

Company private foundations can provide employee financial relief only in the case of “qualified disasters” designated under federal law, but if an organization qualifies as a public charity it can provide such relief in virtually any kind of disaster or personal emergency hardship situation.  Recipients must be selected based on objective determinations of need or distress by an independent selection committee or some other procedure that ensures any benefit to the employer is incidental.  In short, the relief granted cannot be a disguised “employee benefit” or entitlement even though it may, and should, cause the company to be deemed a more desirable place to work.

Establishing “Public Support”

To establish public charity status, the organization must normally not receive more than one-third of its support from gross investment income and must normally receive more than one-third of its support from contributions by employees (through payroll deduction or otherwise), other public charities, governmental units and/or the general public.  Generous employer contributions may need to qualify as isolated or “unusual” grants in order to meet this one-third test.   Fundraising activities for an employee relief charity can include golf tournaments or other similar events.  Employees may make payroll deduction contributions or donate unused PTO dollars. The employee may deduct these just like contributions to the United Way.

A company employee relief charity can build workforce morale in a way that complements other employee benefits offerings.  The unbenefit can be a real continuing benefit for both employees and employers.  Happy Holidays!



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Photo of Joy M. Napier-Joyce Joy M. Napier-Joyce

Joy M. Napier-Joyce is a principal in the Baltimore, Maryland, office of Jackson Lewis P.C.

Joy counsels clients in a broad range of benefit matters, including general compliance and administration of qualified retirement plans under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code. She also…

Joy M. Napier-Joyce is a principal in the Baltimore, Maryland, office of Jackson Lewis P.C.

Joy counsels clients in a broad range of benefit matters, including general compliance and administration of qualified retirement plans under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code. She also assists clients with welfare plan issues involving cafeteria plans, health plans, flexible spending accounts, group insurance products, COBRA and HIPAA. Joy has a particular focus on assisting employers with the various compliance requirements associated with federal health care reform and has been a frequent speaker on the topic. Her practice also includes advice on non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements and other executive compensation matters, including issues related to compliance with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.

As part of her practice, Joy frequently assists clients with a variety of benefits issues arising in corporate mergers and acquisitions and restructurings of all forms. This includes analyzing benefits risks for buyers, handling plan corrections and terminations, strategizing and implementing benefits arrangements post-closing and advising on controlled group considerations.

Joy represents clients in dealings with the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor, including EPCRS applications, private letter rulings, determination letter applications and plan audits. She negotiates with outside benefits providers, including prototype plan sponsors, third party administrators, insurers, actuaries and auditors. She also counsels both public and private clients on a wide array of tax and securities law issues in relation to equity-based arrangements.

Photo of Raymond P. Turner Raymond P. Turner

Raymond P. Turner is of counsel in the Dallas, Texas, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. He is Board Certified in Tax Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

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Raymond P. Turner is of counsel in the Dallas, Texas, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. He is Board Certified in Tax Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Coming out of a strong tax background, Raymond has developed extensive experience in all aspects of employee benefits law, including the design and maintenance of qualified and nonqualified retirement plans, welfare plans, equity and executive compensation, ERISA Title I fiduciary and other matters, governmental plans, church plans, dealing with plans in mergers and acquisitions and representing clients in plan-related audits and other matters before the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor. Of note is that Raymond has advised a foreign government on the privatization of its social security system.